Write Until [Your Fingers Fall Off].


West Side Perk: Coffee Shop

Short Post: Next month, I will be participating NaNoWriMo [National Novel Writing Month] which occurs every November.

I found out about NaNo last year - at the time, it was too late to enter the competition.

As mentioned in earlier posts, a lot of the prep work for my novel has been completed, so I am excited to be a participant this November! Whoot!

Personally, I feel as though it would be a great time for me to get on board and get going. Again. 

Round 2: Let's hope I save my work correctly.  I'm still mildly pissed about that, guys. 

Their tag:  "The World Needs Your Novel". 

Yes. Yes, it does. 

I'll be participating with fellow writers online [forums] and in person [local meetups]. Believe you, me: I need all of the encouragement and support I can get. 

The commitment is to write 50,000 words in 30 days -- I'm trying to be realistic with myself. That ain't happenin'. I do, however, want to dedicate time every day in November to write something. Anything. Even a paragraph, a couple sentences? [Some days are really rough, ya'll!]

It is important to me to stick it out this month and concentrate on completing my goal.

I think I can do that. I know I can do that. 

I have an inkling that I'm a morning writer -- we're going to try and see. Test a few things. Set the clock back to 5am and pound it out, M-F.

Saturday & Sunday?  I've got all day baby.  Perhaps, I'll give NaNo updates throughout the month? 

[Rolls eyes]. 

I'll try.  Stay with me.  I'm working on it!  I can barely make it to the gym every week!

This competition also gives me the chance to practice the enforcement of the word:  "NO".

[I'm bad at that]. 

My people already know what the deal is: sorry girls / guys / whomever -- if I haven't completed my daily writing goals, the answer to you is a hard, "no". 

Nope - sorry, can't do a movie tonight. 

Or happy hour. 

Or dinner. Or parties. 


I've had a lot of  "life events"  happen lately that are going to be my impetus to write -- I've got to shift the energy from "that" to this. 

It's difficult, but I have to get it out and work through...whatever it is that I need to work through. 

I've never been good at verbally expressing anything. Ever. It will come out on the computer screen.


I'm hoping this will be cathartic in some respect.

A lot of tears will be shed -- I can already feel it coming. 

Oh.  God. 

Oh.  Well.


I'll be so proud of myself if I am able to follow through. 

Are you up for the challenge?

I am. 

Mood Music: Isle of the Dead - Sergei Rachmaninov

[In the spirit of Halloween!]